Sancerre blanc
This white wine comes exclusively from the Sauvignon Blanc grape, which accounts for around 8% of the area. The most easily recognizable characteristic of Sauvignon Blanc is its extremely strong, unmistakable aroma, which is usually described as grassy, herbal, musky or as reminiscent of green fruits, especially gooseberries and nettles. The Sancerre is a dry and fruity white wine. It is prepared in vats with a low capacity (25 - 50 hl), its fermentation takes place slowly and thus enables an optimal development of the aroma substances. "Nowhere else," it says, "does the Sauvignon Blanc achieve this strength, this strength, this fire, this incomparable delicacy." The Sancerre is preferred to be drunk young.
Technical data
Country of origin: France
Region of origin: Loire
Vintage: 2019
Wine type: White wine
Flavor: dry
Quality level: AC
Yield per hectare: 70 h
Fragrance: Gorse, jasmine, acacia
Taste: Elegant, romantic, great finesse, rich and round
Food recommendation: Seafood, pasta dishes, goat cheese, roast veal
Grape varieties: 100% Sauvignon Blanc
Serving temperature: 8-10 ° C
Recommended storage: 8 years
Content: 750 ml
Companies: Mis en bouteille au Domaine Jérome Gueneau 18300 Sury-en-Vaux – France
Residual sugar: 2.2 g / l
Total acidity: 4.2 g / l
Free SO2: 43.0 mg / l
Total SO2: 101.0 mg / l
Total extract without sugar: 19.0 g / l
Alcohol content: 12.5% vol.
Contains sulfites: Yes